Thursday, January 29, 2009

Day Twenty Nine of the Twitter 365 Project, just in time...

we took Rowan to the airport to catch a plane but we dropped in for a bite to eat @ MyBar on the way... got him to the airport "just in time"...

it had been such a busy day @ work... to be honest i was exhausted. hot day generally - extreme heat causing load shedding across SA and VIC... so multiple national teleconference link ups to discuss media and the whole "what to do".

what do you do? a government department decided in their wisdom to tell people to turn off their air-cons. yeaks. what about the elderly? there was an almost panic... but i think in reality too many were too hot to listen. thank goodness.

what did we do? as much as we could to contain and keep it simple. but the pressure is on... and it's OK. xc


Anonymous said...

As as a gesture of solidarity, I won't be using my air conditioning, either! Don't thank me now.. wait until it's hot here ~ June, and if I still have my a/c turned off, please call the mental-health people!

Charlie said...

LOL Ian... i promise to pay you out... ooops I mean I wont pay you out :)) xx