Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Day Seven of the Twitter 365 Project, not ready for the world

we all have days where its hard to get started. this morning was that for me. and there i was full frontal at the bathroom mirror thinking, well it's gonna get better!!

it does.

friends call and plans are made and thing s get sorted. life moves on in mysterious ways. i go with the flow... as much as i can anyway. having 2 kids to work around doesn't always lead to a flexible life but i'm happy with my lot.

am really enjoying this little project... it making me look at things with a new perspective. and it's good to "have a hobby" "be active" and "participate". i think too often we, even as onliners, tend to only focus on our own world and opinions. we have such an opportunity to experience and grow our own self just through the lense of others. the fotos that are being contributed to this project are all awesome in their own ways.

some people are shy and don't want to be seen - and their creativity has been tremendous. others are so upfront, one comment i made yesterday was simply "boobs". you can imagine.

onwards... it's all good :) xc