Thursday, May 15, 2008

charlie waves hello from web cam

quite tragic really - but i've gotta do it (learn that is) xc

ps now i've also learnt how to post a video to a blog too!! gosh


Unknown said...

Cool! Well done. You didn't say anything tho'!

Charlie said...

No... well... lets not get carried away!! It was hard enough just to LOOK half decent (sitting on the couch with the TV in background) let alone think of something respectable to say!!

I will try better next time Mr Thomas :>


Janette Toral said...

Hi Charlie. I tend to be biased in posting videos through YouTube or Revver. But Blogger is ok as well for short notes.

Maybe we should do a video meme to get us all recording something and post it in our blogs. =)

Anonymous said...

hehe. You didn't say anything, did you? I would have loved to hear the sound of your voice. The famous Charlie's voice.