Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Day Two Hundred & Fifty Six

OK so yes i forgot to take the piccy today... been looking at houses and dealing with crazee questions and people all day - and no, not from Miss Talking Girl this time. Altho - her questions started up as soon as I got home.

Here's a biccy with cup of tea :))

the crazeeeeest scenario today - would you say this (and only this) on the last day of an exiting employee who has had her job restructured out from under her, considering she has worked patiently for the past six weeks as an exiting employee with you and who had just sent a fun exit email to colleagues:

"I don't understand or appreciate your flippant restructure comment. It's not productive or accurate."

i wouldn't. and i took complete offense to this CEO's response.

the fact he sent it as a one liner via an iPhone, with no formal signoff made my skin crawl. grrrrr

firstly - i saw the original email which wasn't too bad - it said something like "due to a restructure here and there, i have accepted a package". whooopppeee

to gain such a quick fired back negative response - which was cc'd to the HR manager as well - makes me feel like more sinister aspects are at play. And yet - hello, it was the employees last day? what was the next step - to sack her? goodness me.

considering eight years of solid employment has been struck off by a single one liner response and any goodwill has now gone out the window - the future starts with a bitter twist. so, what's wrong with a "thanks for your contribution, you have saved our arse on many occasions but our business directions are different and we wish you well with the future?".

such a poor response and a bad move.

email flaming was rife ten years ago - we all should take a deep breath before we send reactionary responses, count to ten and rethink. havent we learnt yet?

and there in lies the topic of another blog - facebook flaming - the new age. xc

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