Monday, May 25, 2009

Day One Hundred & Forty One

im home and flopped on the bed. cooked the kids tea and then thought "phew", need two seconds. am up and at 'em again now tho :)

just got off the fone from girlfriend and we talked about all this online stuff. i say yet again - this is an interesting process for me. i have seen myself in a different light. i feel GREAT that i have said i am going to do something and am still doing it - no matter how hard it is on some days for whatever reason ie it could be that i'm grumpy, sad, busy, or just plain bored with myself and yet, i still have to show myself off to the world (not that i have millions of viewers however...).

it has made me appreciate privacy of myself, family and my friends, it has made me appreciate a world with less gossip/more substance, and it has made me appreciate the difference (very much) between what we want others to perceive us as, and who we really are. and not many people really get that.

i hope you do. xc


Murfomurf said...

Hi Charlie- still dropping in on your blog sometimes. Haven't seen much of you for a while- goodonya for keeping up the Photo-a-Day thing- I had too many other things to photograph and a crappy face to start with! Seeya round like plate!

Jennifer said...

Hi Charlie,

if you are really on day 141 of a post-every-day challenge, I am in absolute awe at your discipline, consistency and commitment!

Your distinction between how we choose to expose ourselves online versus the 'real' us is spot on ... we can bandy words and status updates, but they're all just variations of superficial conversation.

As long as we're clear about our personal privacy policy, it's all fun! :-)

Again, well done, hats off and all that!


Shai Coggins said...

Definitely hit the nail right on the head there with all these online stuff. In fact, no matter how much I love my online world (most of it anyway ;-))... right now, I actually appreciate making friends with people who don't know anything about my online life. Weird, but yeah... :-)

Anyway, just do what you feel is best for you. Do this photo thing... this online thing... if you feel it's the right thing.

I found that when I attempted 365 last year, it was a great learning process for me in many ways.

You're doing well. Take care. And, hope to catch up with you again soon.

On a limb with Claudia said...

I think that being online has made me appreciate my privacy a little more as well. Nothing is odder than meeting someone in person for the first time and have them know details about my life.

I think you're marvelous - and do this with real grace and class

Charlie said...

hey thanks guys. it means a lot that you understand and/or feel the pain (shai i know you know it so well but i haven't tackled the shower scene yet LOL!!)

i guess, no pain, no gain. this is a great personal journey :)

here's to the next 100 days - YEAKS