words of wisdom just given to a friend that i thought i'd share with all. it's just my style... i have focused on working the room. so here goes:

It's really like working the room. You gotta work it.
It should only take (depending on your time and schedule) a half hour every couple of days. Or if you have fan pages etc and want to interact with clients - allow about 15 minutes a day... treat it as part of your customer service.
It pays off BIG time. So well worth it. I now have connections all over the world that have been 100% invaluable and totally amazing. I met "friend x" through FB and I've already sent work his way. Now I'm not saying you're gonna have a success on every single contact. You won't, cause that's not real. It doesn't happen offline, so it's not going to happen on.
Finally, one BIG mistake - never treat it as 100% social... and never never treat it as 100% business. People know and understand that you get a full work/life balance on this beast. So, take time out and have FUN.
enjoy xc
original: http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=11390722061&id=6397284684&index=0
You seem to have a talent for online networking, and I'm pretty sure (although I live on the other side of the Earth) that you are brilliant offline too.
Yes, networking requires a lot of flexibility (what doesn't in this world?). I do draw the line at the sheep though, for the simple reason that I am not that kind of person offline. I do think you should be as sincere as possible in both worlds, both on- and off-line. It's important for my sanity, at least.
Thanks Nadine, I think you make an important point and that is "be true" (to your own self). Thanks for sharing xc
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