Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Three Hundred & One

Three Hundred & One, originally uploaded by charlierobinson1966.

For a company full of blokes we certainly have quite a few females these days... and then we all went and sat in a row. v.cute really... all giggling away - as you do!!

Todays presentation was on leadership by a man who is top of his league - ie Anthony Toop (of Toop and Toop Real Estate fame for those not in SA). It was excellent however I had to leave after the first 20 mins as I was due at a SA Great, Speakers in Schools presentation myself. We did 2 talks at Annesley College on career and energy and the next generational challenge.

So, gosh golly gee me. I went from leadership is being a black sheep, lonely, front runner thinking, passionate, informed go getter to stay on your journey, think about how you react / act / respond... always with manners.... to... well what is going to happen in the next 40 years? Think about it, in the next ten we will run out of the resources we have come to depend on. So, this next generation of school kids, and me (ME!!!)(YOU!!!) has to work out what we are going to do to make sure we have enough water, food, energy, compassion in our souls to actually just survive.

Oh, and some of those kids in the classroom today probably want to get their L Plates in something that resembles a car? It was quite a sobering presentation in the end... but valid, frank and very inspiring from my point of view.

So, a day full of inspiration.

I also learnt that to have patience, to stay calm and to respond in the most appropriate way that you know how is the best course of action in any situation. i dont always and have found this sad / hard / deflating / but harmonious. It's true I had something to inspire me... I have been living by this saying for the past few days and it has served me well:

......how people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours ~ Wayne Dyer

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