Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Day Two Hundred & Nineteen

day one of "how to write" seminar / training class... interesting. there are some things i do really really well and others i have completely stuffed up. i guess im not perfect so i constantly learn. it would be a sad world if we all stopped learning hey?

and in this instance i learnt all i needed to know from "chad". the american from skillpath. he was such a dramatic actor - he made learning all the ins and outs of english that i should have remembered from matric, fun.

but it's all good. turns out a lot of what we do is actually legacy stuff and we should STOP. so if i learnt it way back when, well it probably no longer applies anyway!!!

like Dear Madam.

i did have to laff at this one.

in chad's own words - how many of you conjur up a completely different image these days when the term "madam" is used.


my mind went straight to the gutter. so his recommendation is to not use. in fact these days the style is apparently far more informal, consice, and succinct.

i will keep it in mind. xc

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